博士生:杨年松 指导教师:李江帆 教授 博士论文通过时间:2003.06
在回答以上基本问题的过程中,本文所做研究工作的创新之处在于: 1.在研究方法上,本文运用新的理论和方法,从新的视角于国内第一次比较全面、系统地研究职业竞技体育活动基本经济问题,期望建立一个初步的分析框架。
2.在研究内容方面,本文研究的基本结论和学术观点如下。 (1)本文在解释了职业化与商业化概念差别的基础上,合理界定了职业竞技体育的边界和范围。职业竞技体育不但包括商业职业竞技体育,而且包括非商业化的职业竞技体育。
关键词:职业竞技体育 服务产品 生产组织 市场
This thesis for the first time applies service goods, public goods theory and property rights theory to analyze and explore the general economic characteristics and law of produce, distribution and exchange about professional competitive sport this special domain in deep and an all-round way At home economic boundary, taking professional competitive sport service goods as cut entry.
The thesis is composed of four chapters.1 introduction,2 professional competitive sport service goods,3 professional competitive sport service production and organization,4 professional competitive sport market. The structure arrangement is so made in this thesis, some important problems below aiming at explaining and inquiring into:(1)what is a professional competitive sport, and why this thesis will select “professional competitive sport” as research object? (2) what is professional competitive sport service goods?(3)how to produce professional competitive sport service goods?(4) how to transact professional competitive sport service goods? More than the answer in the course of basic problem this thesis is the innovation part to study work as follows.
1. in the research method , the new angle of view again is fairly more overall in internal first time to the new theory and method of this thesis application and systematically studying the basic economy problem of professional competitive sport activity , and hopes to build an initial analysis frame.
2. In research idea, the basic conclusions and viewpoints of the dissertation are summarized as followed:
(1)The thesis has given the border and the scope of professional competitive sport which Not only includes the commercial sports, but also includes part of sports of non-commercialization on the basis of difference between professionalism and commercialization.
(2) according to service goods theory, the reason professional competitive sport can exist and develop depends on that it has provided service goods to meet market or nation needs . comparatively, This kind of product and material product, literary and art service and amateur sports service has common one side , but also existing some different parts to a certain extent.
(3) On public goods theory, professional competitive sport service goods has certainly nonrival and exclusive features in consumption is belong to quasi-public goods category. The pattern of professional competitive sport service goods supply can overall choose privately providing and the government provides or government and private method jointly provided.
(4)Team production is the distinguishing feature of professional competitive sport produce. In the course of team production, there can is excessively invest competition as the result of fighting for claim to match result residue, but it has a condition, otherwise, can give rise to opportunism. Therefore, encouraging and monitoring look more important.
(5) In view of the technology measure difficulty in marginal contribution and information cost , share contract system is becoming the major method of professional competitive sport organization distribution.
(6) Professional competitive sport club is a contractual organization about the property rights transaction of professional competitive sport human capital. In order to solve the bounded rationality and the opportunism problem in the course of professional competitive sport principal and agent, the effective ownership arrangement of professional competitive sport club should be all stake-holders jointly to possess property rights.
(7) Owing to asymmetric information, the adverse selection and moral hazard of professional competitive sport market make professional competitive sport market also exists " the lemon " problem, and give birth to the influence to professional competitive sport club raising capital.
(8) Monopoly is the basic characteristic of professional competitive sport market, and the monopoly organization form is professional competitive sport association or federation .
But it not gets rid of the subordinate competition which professional competitive sport is to require among many sports teams.
(9) Our country sports reformation should pay much attention to the professional competitive sport property rights, takes the establishment professional competitive sport club as the breach, and models the microcosmic main body of professional competitive sport market, and the establishes perfect professional competitive sport market system , widens the invest and raise capital channels of professional competitive sport, decides the regulation boundary on professional competitive sport again ,coordinates with professional competitive sport international market as quickly as possible.
Key words: professional competitive sport service goods production organization market
第一章 导 论
1.1 问题的提出 1.1.1 职业竞技体育对经济发展的推动作用 1.1.2 国内外职业竞技体育经济研究回顾和本文取得的进展 1.2 本文的研究方法 1.3 本文的结构安排
第二章 职业竞技体育服务产品
2.1 职业竞技体育服务产品 2.1.1职业竞技体育的产生和发展过程 2.1.2 职业竞技体育服务产品 2.2 职业竞技体育服务产品的特点和类型 2.2.1职业竞技体育服务产品的特点 2.2.2 职业竞技体育服务产品的类型 2.3 职业竞技体育服务产品的准公共产品性和经济特性 2.3.1职业竞技体育服务属于准公共产品 2.3.2 职业竞技体育服务产品消费范围变化的影响因素 2.3.3 职业竞技体育服务产品的经济特性 2.4 职业竞技体育俱乐部服务产品 2.5 职业竞技体育服务产品供给的模式选择 2.5.1 职业竞技体育服务产品的私人供给 2.5.2 职业竞技体育服务产品的政府供给 2.5.3职业竞技体育服务产品的联合供给 2.6 关于职业竞技体育产品其它定义辨析
第三章 职业竞技体育服务生产和组织
3.1 职业竞技体育服务的团队生产 3.1.1 职业竞技体育服务团队生产的涵义和特点 3.1.2 职业竞技体育服务团队生产的计量 3.1.3 职业竞技体育团队生产的过度投资竞争和实现条件 3.2 职业竞技体育团队生产的组织和分配形式 3.3 职业竞技体育俱乐部 3.3.1 职业竞技体育俱乐部的性质和特征 3.3.2 职业竞技体育俱乐部的所有权结构安排 3.4我国职业竞技体育俱乐部改革和发展趋势
第四章 职业竞技体育市场
4.1 职业竞技体育市场信息不对称 4.1.1 职业竞技体育市场的契约特征 4.1.2 职业竞技体育市场:逆向选择和道德风险 4.1.3 逆向选择和道德风险对职业竞技体育市场影响 4.1.4 职业竞技体育市场逆向选择和道德风险的解决方法 4.2 职业竞技体育市场的类型和结构 4.2.1 职业竞技体育市场的垄断性 4.2.2 职业竞技体育垄断者的产量决策 4.2.3 职业竞技体育垄断者定价原则和价格、收入分析 4.2.4 职业竞技体育市场结构 4.3 我国职业竞技体育市场的现状和发展