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时间:2011-11-08 22:45:04来源: 作者: 点击:
服务业增长中内部结构动因研究 专业名称:企业管理 博士生:张卿 导 师:李江帆教授
摘 要 本文综合运用第三产业经济学、服务经


       导  师:李江帆教授Tra中山大学中国第三产业研究中心


关键词:服务业增长 内部结构动因 交易效率 生产效率 稳定效应 关联效应 开放效应Tra中山大学中国第三产业研究中心


A Study on Internal Structural Factor of Service Growth
                 Business Administration
                 Name: Zhang Qing
                 Supervisor: Prof. Li JiangfanTra中山大学中国第三产业研究中心
     Based on some relative theories of Tertiary Industry Economics, Service Economics, Modern Economic Growth Theory, Structuralism Theory and Burgeoning Classical Economics, the author compares the big or small tendency between service internal structural variance and three industries structural variance of developed countries since 1980, teststhe internal structural factor and the influence degree of deparments in service growth, analyses the mechanism of transaction efficiency— internal structural evolution level—production efficiency—service growth, positives the stable effect, the relative effect and the opening effect of internal structural involution in service growth, promulgates the time characteristics and comparative gaps of Tertiary Industry structural growth in Chinaand analyses some base conditiongs of growth model transition. The objective is to further consummate the theory system of service growth, and to point out theory basis for perfecting service structural policy to China.
         There are two reasons to choose this theme. First of all, scholars at home and abroad use generally the structural equilibrium hypothesis of Classical Theory and New Classical Theory. Based on the ignoring premise of evolution organized form and resource disposed efficiency, they emphasize to analyse domand factor, supply factor and three industries evolution factor, more less to touch upon internal structural factor. Relative studies have not contain the reality of internal structural evolution fastly and affecting to service growth in developed countries, explaining degree is suffered weaken. Thus, the research on internal structural factor of service growth has theoretical significance. Second, China is in economic growth and syructural evolution period, increasement and efficiency from syructural evolution is becoming common sence. Sustained and hign Tertiary Industry growth can not do without service internal structural evolution, and service internal structural evolution will lead to significant various of Tertiary Industry growth mode. Therefore, this research has practical significance.
        The dissertation consists of senven chapters. Chapter 1 comprises the emergence of problems, theoretical significance and practical significance, the research train of thought and research method, possible research new ideas, content of the research and structure of the research. Chapter 2 reviews research documents at home and abroad on service growth factors, points out scientific theory and insufficient of domand factor, supply factor and three industries evolution factor, explicits research direction. Chapter 3 promulgates the theory itself and the theory comparable of service internal structural involution, tests the internal structural factor and the influence degree of deparments about service growth in developed countries, calculates contribution ratio and pulling ratio, summarzies the characteristcs of them. Chapter 4 builds the study subject of internal structural mechanism in service growth, emphasizes to analyse the affected mechanism and the basic regularity of transaction efficiency and production efficiency. Chapter 5 uses Economic Fluctuation Theory, Input—Output Theory and World Trade Theory, emphasizes to research the stable effect, relative effect and opening effect of service internal structural involution to service growth. Chapter 6 refines the depth evolution characteristics of Tertiary Industry growth by domestic time comparison. Through international comparison, finds some gaps of Tertiary Industry growth of China. This chapter analysizes inherent demand and basic condition, puts forword some directive policies of modern structural growth of Tertiary Industry in China. Chapter 7 lists the main conclusions, research implications, reseach contributions, some problems and research directions.
       The dissertation draws some conclusions. Firstly, service internal structural evolution has played a leading role in national economy structure in developed countries. Structural driving of national economy development will more be from service internal structural evolution, and less from three industries evolution. Secondly, the internal structural factor is remarkable in service growth, developed countries are in strengthen period of service modern structural growth. The third, Transaction efficiency promoting is the condition of service internal structural evolution and even service structural growth, the key lies in transaction technology improving and transaction institution improving. There is highly straight correlation among service internal structural evolution, production efficiency raising and added value increasing. The key of production efficiency raising lies in structural well disposing of manpower and non-manpower. The fourth, the department base of service stable growth is, the weak fluctuation of social service growth with quite higher ratio, the fluctuating growth of production service and circulating service with higher ratio are weaken. The strengthen of relative effect in service growth shows, the relative sacle level improving and the relative structural level raising between the secondly industry and service, and between every service department. The affect between service export structural raising and service export net value is remarkable. Lastly, compare to developed countries, the growth rapid of new service sector is slower than the growth rapid of original service sector in China, after the growth rapid of original service sector becomes slowly. There is transforming gap between high growth rapid of service sectors.
      Keywords: service growth   internal structural factor   transaction efficiency     production efficiency    stable affect     relative affect     opening affect


目 录……………………………………………………………………………
第一章    导 论………………………………………………………………… (1)
第一节 研究背景与选题意义………………………………………………(1)
第三节 研究内容和论文结构………………………………………………(9)
第二章    服务业增长动因的文献回顾与综合评价……………………………(12)
第一节    国外相关文献回顾……………………………………………… (12)
第二节    国内相关文献回顾……………………………………………… (22)
第三节    国内外相关文献综合评价……………………………………… (24)
第三章    发达国家服务业增长中的内部结构动因检验与各部门影响分析…(27)
第一节    服务业内部结构分类及其演变规律…………………………… (27)
第二节    服务业增长动因:内部结构变量检验………………………… (34)
第三节    各部门对服务业增长的影响程度分析………………………… (39)
第四章    服务业增长中的内部结构作用机理研究………………………… (46)
第一节 结构主义和新兴古典经济学的诠释与反思…………………   (46)
第二节 服务业内部结构作用机理的前置条件:交易效率…………   (50)
第三节 服务业内部结构作用机理的传导关键:生产效率…………   (56)
第五章    服务业增长中内部结构效应分析………………………………… (66)
第一节 服务业内部结构演变的稳定效应……………………………   (66)
第二节 服务业内部结构演变的关联效应……………………………   (72)
第三节 服务业内部结构演变的开放效应……………………………   (80)
第六章    中国服务业结构性增长战略分析………………………………    (87)
第一节 中国第三产业结构性增长的国内外比较……………………   (87)
第二节 中国第三产业现代结构性增长的基础条件分析……………   (92)
第三节 中国第三产业现代结构性增长的政策取向…………………   (96)
第七章    总结与展望………………………………………………………  (101)
参考文献………………………………………………………………       (107)
附  录……………………………………………………………           (111)
后 记…………………………………………………………………       (113)
原创声明………………………………………………………………       (115)


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主任: 李江帆教授 E-mail: jiangfanli@163.net Fax: (020)85213215