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时间:2007-06-23 01:27:52来源: 作者:刘勇 点击:


专业名称:  产业组织与管理
申请人姓名:   刘   勇
导师姓名及职称:李江帆 教授

摘   要

关键词:  服务网络化运作          服务网络化管理
网络化服务产品          服务管理新趋势


Research on the New Trend of
Service Network Operation and Management
Major :  Industry Organization and Management
Name :  Liu  Yong
Supervisor : Prof. Li  Jiangfan   

With the rapid growth of service industry, the rate of its share in world economic gross is increasing continuously, which serves as the main impetus for the global economy development. Since China's reform and opening up,service has grown rapidly, and become the second largest growth impetus to china economy. It will promote China's economic services and accelerate the process of China's economic transformation. Information and Internet technologies have had an important influence on the development of service industry, which have accelerated the informatization of service industry and the development of modern service industry. Against the social background of the world service rising, China's economy transition and widespread application of the Internet technology, Service operation and management have undergone a profound change, service network operation and management is supposed to be the main operation and management mode. Besides, very few researches have been done on this field. Therefore, it is very significant theoretically and practically to study the new trend of service network operation and management.
Based on the sciences of tertiary industry economics, service management, industry organization and management, service marketing and management, this dissertation has a systemic research on the new trend of service network operation and management by adopting qualitative research methods of literature analytic research, comparative study, logical deductive research and the case study.
Standing in the forefront of the service management perspective, this dissertation traces the movement of service product during the process of service operation, and deeply and systematically analyzes on the new trend of service network operation and management. Firstly, based on the research results of the literature in service operation and management at home and abroad, this dissertation defines the concept of “service network operation” , and analyzes and discusses deeply about the characteristics of network service product,  namely the producing and consuming process of network service product can be divided up; network service product can be preserved; network service product can be transferred and the mobility and trading of network service product can be strengthened etc. All the characteristics of network service product lay a theoretical foundation for this dissertation research. Then, by comparing research between service network operation and non-network service operation, this dissertation analyzes and sums up the operational rules and competitive advantages of service network operation.
Based on the above foundation, this dissertation defines the concept of “service network management”, and analyzes its new characteristics, namely service contact is indirect and long-distant; service ability can be flexible or elastic; service demand can breaks through the spatio-temporal  limitation; “Service Produce”, “Human Resources Management” and “Service Marketing” is separated functionally; service value chain is virtual etc. Then through a comparative research between service network management and non-network service operation management, this dissertation emphatically analyzes and discusses the comparative competitive advantages of service network management in service competitive strategy, service marketing management ,service supply and demand management and service quality management. After that, based on the theory of service network operation and management, this dissertation summarizes and analyzes the new tendency of service management, and emphatically analyzes of the reasons and the main characteristics or contents of the trend of service management development, namely Service virtual Management tendency, Mass Customization Service tendency and Service Flexibility Management tendency. Finally, we try to make some suggestion on how to cope with the opportunities and challenges that service network operation and management will bring for Chinese service industry and service enterprises.
Key   Words: 
Service network operation     Service network management
Network service product       New trend of service management      

目    录
摘   要 II
Abstract IV
目  录 VI
图目录 VII
表目录 VII
第一章  绪  论 1
第一节  论文研究背景与意义 1
第二节  论文研究目的和方法 5
第三节  论文研究内容与框架 7
第二章  研究理论综述 10
第一节  服务运作与管理理论综述 10
第二节  信息技术对服务运作管理影响的文献综述 23
第三章  服务网络化运作研究 31
第一节  服务网络化运作概念与内涵 31
第二节  网络化服务产品特性分析 32
第三节  服务网络化运作类型 37
第四节  服务网络化运作竞争优势分析 39
第五节  服务网络化运作与非网络化服务运作比较研究 40
第四章   服务网络化管理比较研究 47
第一节  服务网络化管理概念与特点 47
第二节  服务网络化管理的比较分析 54
第五章  服务管理发展新趋势研究 66
第一节  服务虚拟化管理趋势 66
第二节  大规模定制化服务趋势 69
第三节  服务柔性管理趋势 73
第六章  研究结论与对策建议 78
第一节  本论文主要研究结论 78
第二节  本论文的局限性与展望 79
第三节  对策与建议 81
参 考 文 献 91
后  记 97
原创性声明 98

图  目  录
图1-1  中国三次产业对GDP中的贡献率 2
图1-2  中国三次产业就业增长的贡献份额 2
图1-3  论文研究框架 9
图2-1  服务产出理论模型 12
图2-2  服务生产系统理论 13
图2-3  服务运作系统集成设计理论模型 14
图2-4  服务管理系统模型 18
图2-5  服务逻辑模型 19
图2-6  服务利润链模型 20
图2-7  顾客接触模型 24
图2-8  服务质量模型 27
图2-9  E-服务质量测量模型 28
图2-10 信息技术在服务业中的应用方式 28
图3-1  服务网络化运作系统 32
图3-2  服务运作模式矩阵 38
图3-3  服务网络化运作系统 41
图3-4  服务互动模型 42
图4-1  服务接触三元组合 48
图4-2  网络化服务接触模型 49
图4-3  价值链模型 53
图4-4  服务价值链虚拟化模型 54
图4-5  波特“五力”模型 56
图4-6  感知服务质量模型 63
图6-1  城乡网民普及率 82
图6-2  中国域名总数的地域分布 83
    表  目  录
表1-1  西方各国服务业就业情况 1
表1-2  世界网民统计 3
表2-1  服务业的典型特征 16
表3-1  服务网络化运作与非网络化服务运作比较 45
表4-1  时空对服务运作的影响 51
表5-1  大规模定制化服务的优势 72
表5-2  主要服务行业的柔性现象和柔性类型评价 75
表6-1  互联网东中西部差距比较 83
表6-2  网络信任因子回归系数 89

后  记


                                                刘   勇

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主任: 李江帆教授 E-mail: jiangfanli@163.net Fax: (020)85213215