(作者是经济学博士,华南师范大学经管学院副教授、副院长 中山大学中国第三产业研究中心特约研究员)
体制分析与体制选择 --对中国第三产业中的公共服务与准公共服务研究
博士生:江 波 副教授 指导教师:李江帆 教授 博士论文通过时间:2001.12
相比较私人经济活动而言,公共经济是一个较为特殊的领域,存在许多和以往我们从标准经济学知识中所不同的利益关系和运行体制。同时,公共经济生活又是我们这个现代社会须臾不可缺少,并且随着经济发展和经济体制市场化程度不断深入,显得日益重要的经济生活的一部分。 西方国家的工业化和市场化的程度都在中国之上,当前社会经济服务化趋势也十分显著,因此对这个问题的研究的理论准备工作中,我们常常是先从西方的学者那里寻找已经做出的研究成果,依托这些源自市场经济体制下的经济发达国家先行的理论和体制选择经验,去探索中国在经济发展中、在体制变迁中公共经济生活,尤其是公共服务的体制效率、体制变革和体制的重新选择方面问题,试图用经济学的基本分析方法,对这个相对特殊的经济领域的体制问题做一些经济学分析。
地方公共服务的体制研究,虽然在文章的体例上是单独一章,但因为理论思想资源和分析方法和前面的部分是一致的,在现实公共经济生活中的重要性也一点不低,约占预算内财政支出的60-70%是属于地方公共服务成本支出,说明地方公共服务是人们消费公共服务的重要方面。这和平时人们一讲到公共服务,总是联想起中央政府的服务的认识多少有一些差异,也正反映了中国在公共服务的理性认识上还存在不少盲点,需要我们在这方面的研究提供知识进展。 文章通过以上结构的展开,对已有的公共经济理论和中国公共服务与准公共服务体制作了一定程度的分析和论述,由此形成了以下学术观点和有关认识:
第二,中国不仅缺少一些公共服务产品,像市场秩序的维护服务或基础性的科技、教育服务,更缺少的是一种能够有效供给这些服务的体制安排。而公共服务的有效体制稀缺的后面,还隐含着一个更基础性的思想资源的稀缺,没有一个适应现代市场经济体制的现代公共经济理念的广泛存在。所以,表面上看是稀缺服务产品,体制的问题是易于被有一定理性的人们发现的。但体制问题难以解决的根本所在,还是缺少形成有效体制的一系列条件和资源,而能够用公共选择这样一些现代经济学理念建立起来的思想认识资源是十分稀缺的。 第三,纯公共服务可以分为两类:强制消费的制度性公共服务和节约成本考虑的公共服务。虽然这样的分类不十分严谨,按经济学的成本分析来看,制度也是一种节约交易费用的体制安排。但我感觉到这样分类有助于理清纯公共服务的体制特性,说明为什么同样在公共服务的成本分摊时,有些公共服务易于出现逃避成本分摊的机会主义行为,有些(例如国防服务)又相对愿意分摊成本。这其中有个人理性与集体理性冲突的程度差异,一些对某些个人利益必须有所约束的公共服务(如市场交易秩序维护服务和环境保护服务),反映一部分个人理性与集体理性冲突程度较大,对这些个人不是节约成本,而是减少收益。像国防服务几乎对所有人都可以说是节约成本的体制安排。
Focusing on the confliction between personal rationality and public rationality, this dissertation clarifies firstly the basic difference between public economical domain and private one. Then with the general economical analyzing tools we successfully analyze public service system based on rationality principal which is always thought as unsuitable for economics.
The dissertation is composed of seven chapters dealing with three major topics. The first part including chapter 1, chapter 2, and chapter3 is concerning with pure public service system; chapter 4, chapter 5 and chapter 6 belong to second part which investigate into quasi-public service system; the third part-chapter 7-has a research on local public service system.
To analyze the pure public service system, our methodology is beginning with general theory and then put forward step by step until the most concrete problem of Chinese institutional bottleneck in the providing of pure public services. In chapter 1 we give a basic analysis on pure public service system which set up the theoretical framework and methodology for further research in the other chapters of this part in the thesis. In chapter 2 and chapter 3 we investigate two types of pure public service systems respectively. They are peremptorily consumed institutional public services and cost-saving public services. In China, regulations controlling market running, maintaining transaction order and protecting of environment are the resources with scarcity. In addition, China is eager for institutional innovations on administration management, country security and foundational services of SES (Science, education and Sanitation). A efficient system is not only the guarantee for the supply of pure public services which are according to the public demands for those services, but also an important routine to improve the efficiency of the system in resources distribution.
We follow the same line to analyze the quasi-public services system in part two. In chapter 4 we outline the present theories on quasi-public service industries which provide us the framework for analyzing China's reality. The globally chosen institutional arrangements for providing of quasi-public services commented in this chapter also give the guideline for China's reform. Chapter 5 sees the analysis on the various conflictions and hinders in the process of institutional transformation and innovations. We explore the possibility to improve the resource-distribution efficiency with deregulations in civic utilities-a sensitive research area but occupied large portions of local public expenditure. In this aspect,the main trend for institutional transformation is to induce competition and deregulations properly. Therefore, in choosing suitable institutional arrangements for providing quasi-public services, China is not too much apart from the global trend.
We analyze the local public service system in chapter 7. In public economical reality, local public services are also very important. Sixty to seventy percent public expenditure in budget can be attributed to local public services expenditure. It shows that local public services are most important aspect for people consuming public services. This fact is contrasted with conventional wisdom that public services are mainly from central government. There are not few blind-points in people's understanding about public services in China which is exactly why we should do in this thesis to add knowledge on the subject. Within the above structure, after reviewing systemically current theories on public economics and surveying China's incumbent public and quasi-public service systems we reach to the following viewpoints.
Firstly, collective rationality originates from individual rationality but is not merely the natural combination of every personality. The behavior principal of maximizing benefits resulted from individual rationality can not automatically lead to collective rationality of maximizing public interests without external forces or institutional constrains. In this sense, institutional arrangements become extremely important. Institutions set up the constrains on collective rationality and therefore are the guarantee for public economy running orderly and provide the channel for improving the efficiency of resources-distribution in public area.
Secondly, China is not only short of public service products such as maintaining market order or providing foundational services of SES, but to more important extent is lack of an institutional arrangement which will supply efficiently those service products. Beyond the lack of efficient system there lies a more fundamental scarcity: common sense on the necessity of modern public economy which is a supplement to the modern market economy that China is now establishing. At the first sight it is lack of service products; but at second thought one can easily find out the existing problems in institutions. The true problems are actually rooted in the shortage of a series of preconditions and resources for the formation of an efficient system. On the other hand, knowledge resources about the modern economics regarding of public services such as public choice theory are also short of astonishingly.
Thirdly, we suggest two types of pure public services which can be identified: peremptorily consumed institutional public services and cost-saving public services. However, this classification is not very precise because according to New Institution Economics the setting of an institution is for saving transaction costs. In our opinion, the classification is helpful for us to picture the characters of pure public service system and to explain why opportunity behaviors are easily appeared in some public services but hardly in others (such as national defense services) while the cost for providing the services must be shared. The degree of confliction between individual rationality and collective rationality is different in different public services. In some cases, the public services are indeed constrains imposed on individual interests (for example, maintaining market order and protecting environment). In these situations the degree of confliction is greater and the settlement of institution is not saving costs but reducing revenue for some members in the society.
Fourthly, due to the natural monopoly, quasi-public services are usually regulated by government. In China, however, regulations are becoming an inefficient institutional arrangement like protection in some sense. Whether in quasi-public service industries such as transportations, telecommunication, and non-fundamental education or in utilities as pipe gas, tap water, and civic public transportation, deregulation and inducing competition are considered as proper arrangements to improve the efficiency. They are actually parts of the reform itself. Further more, we notice that the evolution of institutions and the growth of quasi-public service industries are correlated. The growth of quasi-public services is one important cause for the institutional transformation in China.
Fifthly, concerning of local public services, the local interests are always superior to national interests in the eye of local government. Several reasons cause the problem. One reason is the existence of general confliction between local rationality and public rationality which has not been settled with suitable institutional arrangement when China is evolving from centrally planned economy into free market economy. At present, the relation between central government and local government is still in the chaos. More importantly, ideologically, China has not got the theoretical realization that local administration is the gatekeeper of local benefits and the local public choice rights should be endowed to them. It is the lack of local public choice rights that resulted in the abuse of informal measures to compensate the interest loss in local governments.
Sixthly, the growth of resources distributed into the public areas and the expansion of public products and services are the evidences of the spread of Human Being's corporation. The corporation is the important way to improve the efficiency of economic resources distribution. Because of the need for corporation, both the public services and the demand for public services are growing which pushes public services as more and more important economic area needing more attention on its resource-distribution mechanism. Besides that, the supplies of a few public services are the rules governing the orders for corporation themselves. With the spread of corporation, the rules for corporation surely will change accordingly.
Keywords:Public service, Quasi-public Service, Institutional Analysis, Institutional Choice |